Friday, October 14, 2011

Our World Is Spending To Much Money

Honestly why is our world spending so much money like on stores that people don't go to, so fast food places that people don't go to, drugs not pills but like alchol, cigarette's listen we don't need to smoke for no reason it's only making us kill our self's giving us lung cancer giving us all this stuff we don't wont like holes in our throat, and a person who do have that still smoke what is wrong with some people out here come on we have life's to live people to see things to do but no some of you out here rather kill ya self then be with all the people who care and love you so much, and spending all this money on the students that feel like they have the right to skip school and do what they want y'all should not be spending yawl's money on them i mean i go to school but i have never skipped school a day in my life only if a loved one has died in  my family or I'm sick but if i can get up feel good in the morning and I'm okay not sick nothing then I'm come to school because none of my friends or family is responsible for me to get my education only i can do that and after I'm done with college I'm on my way to do what i feel like, like get a house job and all that so you should never skip school no matter how cool you are i bet it want be cool when everybody getting there degree and you done skipped so many times that you get held back for one more day of 12th grade thats why its best for everyone to get through school first so remember that PLEASE.

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