Friday, April 27, 2012

Losing My Grandpa

It was a Saturday morning. I  woke up with tears in my eyes had the craziest dream ever. Like I was losing something but didn't know what it was. So I just went on with my day took a nice hot shower then put some clothes on.

Walking in the kitchen seeing my dad sitting on the chair. Running as fast as I could to get to him I jumped on his lap in tears telling him how much I missed and love him. Seeing me so happy and shocked tears just flowed down his face to his shirt.

 With happiness's as the day go's on feeling so happy and thankful that my dad is out of prison. As it gets late worrying where my mom is so my dad comes home and tells me to get in the car I don't even question him then he says we have some where to go as we get to the hospital sitting in the car wondering why I'm here.

We get out the car I shut my door BAM! as we start to walk to the door. My dad says papa passed away so I'm sitting here wondering okay this can't be right because I just talked to him yesterday and he was fine.

 So we get in the hospital and my cousin Brittany runs out of the hospital and brake down to the ground crying my dad go's to get her and brings her back in. I'm just so confused right now as we get to the waiting room my mom gets up and walks me into the room with my sister as i see my grandpa lay in a hospital bed.

 My mama beings to talk she says look at your grandpa he is gone he's in a better place as she starts to cry. Mama he's just sleep that's all hold on as I being to stop my self what you mean he in a better place!? tears going down her face as she beings to speak NO! ALYIA! NO! he's dead.

Not saying a word I brake brake down to my knees and hands screaming, and crying NO! PAPA! as i being to run toward my papa screaming and crying PAPA! PLEASE! WAKE UP! PLEASE! PAPA! DON'T DIE ON ME! PLEASE! but he had already passed as I fall to the floor my dad picks me up telling me it's okay when I know it's not crying so hard and loud I being to stop.

Then start again as I'm sitting on my dad lap I start to put my arm around him as he do the same. Telling me I'm gonna be okay as I stop crying my mama holds her hands out I rush into her hands and arms I grab her tight and we all walk out to the car I get in slamming the door so upset as my mom get in she beings to speak It's okay sweetie. She beings to drive off as we fly down the highway I being to dose off thinking about the man I loved and looked up to the most my grandpa. LOVE YOU GRANDPA Rest.In.Peace

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wishing Things Were The Same....

It's just something about Josh 
Which is love & happiness 
He wanna be with me but without the stress
I don't know what to do or say anymore
My heart is broken & also tore

It's just something about Josh 
That makes me wanna cry
Holding my face with tears falling from my eyes
I don't wanna loose him not after all this & what we been through
The chicks that like him are dismissed it's just me & you
It's not like I know what to do as for me I'm just wishing that my wish will come true


Love is a four letter word
 that means a lot to some people in this world,
it is a word people say to there family or friends
 it is not good to take love to far for when you say it to your boyfriend/girlfriend
 because when you say it and mean it then you end up getting your heat broken
 or getting hurt or you loose them,
 it's gonna be hard to let go of someone you truly love and or care about
 and just because someone tells you they love you doesn't mean it's true,
 you have to say it like you mean it or give him or her a reason
 why you fell so deeply in love with them
 just because someone tell you they want you
 or wanna be with you doesn't mean they deserve you,
 If you love something let it go if it comes back to you it's yours
 if it doesn't, it never was and it's not meant to be,
 you should not cry over no worthless guys or girls
 because if they didn't keep there promise
which there promise would go a little like this
 I promise I will never cheat on you or do you wrong
 I'm always gonna be here for you but in stead they dating you
 and like a bunch of other chicks or dudes and telling them the same thing
 then theirs no use in crying because you did your part
 which is love him or her  and be there for them,
 there is no trust in this world everybody lying for no reason
 when you can just tell the truth "The Truth Will Set You Free".
Someone will always try to ruin it for you like me I was in love with this guy
 but we had a on and off relationship until I just let him go it was hard 
but when I did my life changed I was doing better I wasn't stress I was hurt
 I wasn't heart broken I was happy but I let him go because he didn't only want me
 he wanted other girls to so I left him along let him do him and I do me
 so love is a strong word use it wisely and not to often only for the right reasons trust me it helps a lot.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Missing Youu

A hurricane flew around my room
before you came it wasn't for me to
blame my life is not the same quit
playing these stupid games without
you is just a shame, my eyes don't shed tears, but , boy, they bawl.

When i'm missing you
(Ooh ,na , na , na)
I've been missing you
(You know , oh ,oh)
I've been missing you
Do you miss me still ?
Do you, Do you,

Or do it ever cross your mind (I.....Love...You)
Cause I've been loven you forever (Oooh ,Oooh)

Or do it ever cross your mind (I...Care..For..Youu)
Cause I've been caring bout you forever (Ooh,Ooh)

No I don't want you to go, i just want us ta last for..ever
Got to find away to make this relationship better,
Since you think that i don't miss you, I just thought you
were nice that's why I kissed you
Got A mix up my emotions, so I want have to cry nooo... moree

I'm sitting' here missing' you
(Ooh, Na , Na ,Na)
I've been missing you
(You Know , Oh , Oh)
I've been missing you
Do you miss me still ?
Do you, Do you,

Or do it ever cross your mind (I....Love...You)
Cause I've been loven you forever (Ooh , Ooh)

Or do it ever cross your mind (I...Care..For)
Cause I've been caring bout you forever (Ooh , Ooh)

Yeah, Of Corse I can Remember, when we first met
and how you feeled .
I know it wasn't my last time a new feel.
It will never get old not If I...Love...You
We can keep this relationship A...Live
cause we can be togeather to this
Dating turn into husband and wife.

Or do it ever cross your mind (I...Love...You)
Cause I've been loven you forever (Ooh ,Ooh)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Finding The Right Guy

My parents say I’m to young to know about love but as for me I think I   do...

Tre was the sweetest guy I ever met.  He has dreads, and he’s cute, so we got to know each other.  So then he asked me out and I said yeah, and we went out for at least 3 weeks but then before you know it I broke up with him.  I didn’t know our relationship was going to be like some of my other relationships which involves us seeing each other.  Which we didn’t do much of so we talked it out and started seeing each other a little bit more then what we use to.  

So I decided to give him another chance we had more like a on and off relationship, which kind of made me give up a little because it seemed like there was no one out there good enough for me.  

I did feel a little lonely until I met this gorgeous guy named Joshua Hollis.  He was a nice kind of shy type of person but I could deal with that.  So we got to know each other by asking Questions like how old are you, or whats your last and first name, or when is your birthday and etc.  Then he asked me out and I say yes sooo...  we started dating and like he is so protective over me.  He is always there for me when I'm down he always getting me something for my birthday, or Christmas, and also any other holiday.  We have been going out for 5 mouths almost 6 mouths it will be 6 months on the 29th of January, when I need a shoulder to cry on it will always be his.

But everything happened so fast for the last 2 days.  A big arguement broke out, things went on and he moved back to Detriot.  Its so hard to get over because it all happend so fast.  I miss him so dearly much that I don't want to go on without him.  Without me being under his wing guiding me, loving me, and caring for me.  I thought we would make it through life together but things changed, and fast.  When I talked to him, heard his soft voice, It was no doubt in my mind that made me feel better.

But don’t worry if your single God’s looking down on you right now saying I’m saving her for someone special love is all about waiting for the right person.

Friday, December 9, 2011

THe Relationship in the hunger games between katniss,Peeta,and Gale

                                 who is in a healthyier relationship with Katniss Peeta or Gale ?

Hm seems like Katniss likes Gale and Peeta, OK the healthy relationship between Katniss and Gale is that Gale was always there for Katniss like because he always brought her food and stuff since her mom was not helping to provide food since Katniss dad died but now the healthy relationship between Peeta and Katniss is that when Peeta first saw her he liked her and for the most part like bout close to the end Katniss was there for Peeta the entire time until his leg was heeled and she was kissing him like ever minute, when it was the end of the hunger games they said it can only be 1 winner and they was so into each other that they wasnt going to let that happen so they was going to eat the berry's so they could die togeather which was the most sweetest thing ever.

Basically Peeta is very much in love with Katniss but she's afraid that it will hurt Gale if she gets together with him. But when they are going into the games for the second time, and she's planning to do all she can to keep Peeta alive so she knows that this means she will have to die. So she realizes that she can't hurt Gale anymore and acts how she truly wants to towards Peeta. And they try to spend every waking moment together before they go back into the arena. And when Peeta is on the roof with her and they are together and he acts all in love with her instead of denying him, she allows him and acts in love back. And when they are in the arena and they kiss, Katniss says that she has a hunger for more and wouldn't pull her lips from his mouth. And at the end when Peeta is taken by the capitol Katniss is left heartbroken and crushed and loses the will to live.

"Abusive Relationships." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about
 Children's Health. Web. 08 Dec. 2011.
"Am I in a Healthy Relationship?" KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Web. 08 Dec. 2011.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Healthy Relationships, Bad Relationships, And Relationship Quotes

Things you should wont in a relationship eyes that wont cry, lips that wont lie, and love that wont die, you should wont a real relationship not a facebook one, a lion wouldn't cheat but a tiger wood, yo brain will say get over him or her there not worth it but your heart will always tell you don't give up now this is just the beginning, when a girl says im done it really means fight for me, i can't promise you a perfect relationship but what i can promise you is as long as we're trying im staying, but you don't have to like me im not a facebook status, girls fall in love by what they hear boys fall in love by what they see thats why girls wear make up and boys lie.
                               Bad Relationships:
 A million words wont bring that person back i know cause I've tried neither would a million tears i know because I've cried, your heart can be broken by him or taken by him and now is in peaces because of him, don't cry over someone that wont cry over you, mmmm should you smile because he or her is you friend or cry because that's all you'll ever be, no guy is worth your tears and when you find one that is he wont make you cry, something a girl or boy would say tell me how you feel and I don't wanna fight I'm sick of your lying i hate how you treat me and I'm tired of crying.
                                  Healthy Relationships:
I think a relationship is like a shark. It has to constantly move forward or it dies, Before we can have a successful relationship with anyone, we first need a perfect personal relationship, Treasure your relationships, not your possessions, Death ends a life not a relationship, “People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.”
                              Hunger Games Relationship:
Katniss likes Gale and Gale likes Katniss he's always have her back he loves her and she always have him on her mind, but Katniss also likes Peeta she's actually in love with peeta and they have 2 kids and is married beautiful couple.