Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wishing Things Were The Same....

It's just something about Josh 
Which is love & happiness 
He wanna be with me but without the stress
I don't know what to do or say anymore
My heart is broken & also tore

It's just something about Josh 
That makes me wanna cry
Holding my face with tears falling from my eyes
I don't wanna loose him not after all this & what we been through
The chicks that like him are dismissed it's just me & you
It's not like I know what to do as for me I'm just wishing that my wish will come true


  1. I'm thinking now about the difference between a broken heart and a torn heart. hmmmm

    1. Broken heart is when like you really love somebody and they like cheat on you and brake your heart.
      A torn heart is when you love somebody and like you do everything to make things right and it don't it's like they just torn your heart out by not forgiving the person that is in love with them.

    2. Thanks for clearing that up. I've never really thought about it before. I guess because I've never thought about the term "torn heart" before. Is one more painful than the other?

  2. That was a good way to try to work out your problem
