Friday, October 14, 2011

Based on bullying, sex,bad choices,druges and relationships

Okay people tell me to be strong there's more to life then being older and moving on but to me it comes in one ear and out the other. Can't say i been there done that but i have been in stuff like bullying and stuff i think for me bulling is a cruel thing to do because you wouldn't want anyone to bully you and you've done nothing wrong and or nothing to that person. Old saying-dont do to other as you don't want done to you, It's like you try to help a person that honestly can use anyone's help at the moment but then act like they don't need you but they do.


  1. I really like the line where you said "Can't say i been there done that." While it's true that we learn from our mistakes and experiences, I think that it's pretty cool that you know enough to know that there are some things that you don't need to experience in order to know that they are not right. So, I'm just do you know if you've never been there? Was it something someone had said to you or was this a case of learning from others' mistakes?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. agree its not cool to bullie someone but everybody done been bullied its not just you who be bullied its not okay because people hurt other people and put them down that happens all around the world so feel alone you have to move on grow up and get over it
